Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Pure Joy

Andrew and I had such a great day today. It made me realize how happy I am with my life, and how blessed I am to have him in it. I have never loved anyone or anything the way that I love him, and today I took the time to stop and appreciate everything he does to make me feel so proud to be his mom.
He loves to touch my face now, and explore everything about it with his little tiny hands. When I give him his bottle, he rubs my cheek and looks at me like he is in love!!
When I pretend like I am "getting him" and kiss under his neck, he giggles so loud, and it is the sweetest sound I have ever heard!
I took him on a long walk and he got tired of sitting in his stroller (I am assuming this because he started yelling). I carried him the rest of the way home while pushing his stroller.He fell asleep in my arms, his little puppy dog hat fell down over his eyes, and he was limp in my arms. I wanted to just held him like that forever.
When I read him his bedtime story tonight, he kept looking up at me like he wanted to make sure I was still there.
I think only a parent can understand how special these little moments are, and how they make you fall more and more in love with this little person.

1 comment:

Dee-Dee said...

I couldn't agree more! I love being a mommy, too. He is so sweet, Amber! Keep those pictures coming!