Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I haven't posted in a while, just haven't thought to take pictures. We have had lots of fun playdates, gone on walks, went to Playgym, and Mommy went to the Spa for the weekend!! Chad and Andrew did boy stuff, test drove cars, went to the Aquarium, played on the golf course, and went to Arby's for roast beef!! Chad did a great job with Andrew and the house was even in order when I got home! Andrew is doing so many new things it's really amazing. He can do lots of animal sounds (chicken, duck, snake, cow, dinosaur, lion, elephant, and pig), point to almost all his body parts, and is saying about 15 words. The newest words are Elmo (Momo), knock knock (not not), fish (tish), ball (bah), pop and poop (pup). He comes and tells me when he has to (pup) now and I sit him on the potty (but he doesn't do anything until he gets off of it) so now he is saying pup all day so he can sit on the potty. I think we are going to have to put a stop to this, it's become more of a game now so I don't want to ruin the potty training thing for later. Mimi is coming this weekend since Chad's on call so hopefully I'll have some pictures next week.

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