Thursday, February 24, 2011

We're Goin' On a Hunt....

Before this awful GI bug hit our house, I was able to take the boys out for a nature walk to our neighborhood playground. Andrew took a box to "collect" things and we did lots of exploring. Those of you who know me (my only 2 readers!) know that I don't do nature, but being the mom of 2 little curious boys, I'm gonna have to get over myself! I do love watching them explore and taking pictures, that's a start!
 Andrew: "Okay Carter, you need to stay with me"

 Carter decided to take a rest in the middle of our walk!
 monkey see......

 Andrew talked me into going though a "cave" that was actually a drainage tunnel on our street. As we came out the other side (picture me hunchbacked) we were greeted by tons of these thorns. We were all 3 literally stuck and now have scratches all over us.... exactly why I don't do well in nature!

1 comment:

Carrie (and Kevin!) Finnegan said...

Great pictures! I liked the nature ones as much as the pics of your boys!