Saturday, September 15, 2012

Soccer Time!

I try to keep Andrew in a sport all year long, we usually go from baseball to basketball and karate but we decided to throw in a little soccer this year and see how he did. Little did I know, there was also a 3 yr old league that Carter could play in too! They were both super stoked to wear their soccer duds and I thought that would be the climax of the day...... but no, they loved playing and were actually pretty darn good. Andrew scored 3 goals and Carter 2!!!!  I was one of those crazy "soccer moms", screaming and clapping on the sidelines but at least I didn't hop in a minivan when we left. No offense to all of my super cool friends who drive one! I can't forget to mention that my friend Christy stacked the team so we literally know (and are friends with) every player on his team so another reason we're loving soccer!

 Carter's team didn't have their jerseys yet so they were the red team

victory dance?

such a cool little guy!

1 comment:

Meg said...

why did you have to bring the minivan into it? those things are a party on wheels...i've wanted one since high school.

Every girls night, everyone wants to ride with me because we can pack so many people in there! you're missing out.