Friday, April 6, 2007

Silly Goose!

Our little boy has become quite the handful....and he isn't even really mobile yet. We are going to be in trouble when this kid starts walking. I let him drink some of my Gatorade out of the cap today. He flipped it up onto his nose and couldn't get it off! It was hilarious, and Andrew thought so too after he saw me laughing. He held his bottle for the first time today. I kept wondering why wasn't yet, then I realized it was probably because we use the big Dr. Brown bottles (they are really long). I gave him an Avent and he just grabbed right onto it and wouldn't let go! He also tried to crawl today!! He got up on his knees and moved himself with his elbows- I think this was some sort of arm crawl?? Maybe just a fluke- he is only 6 1/2 months, but it was cute anyways. He also will not stay put anymore. He will roll all over the room and will not lay still for a diaper change! I am sure the fun is just beginning, so I shouldn't start complaining just yet!!

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