Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Splish Splash

I took the boys to this new splash park that just opened last week. I have mixed feeling about it, so here's the rundown and you can decide....
First of all, it's in the zoo, Warner Park, Engel Stadium area, so it was VERY busy and parking sucked. I got there as soon as they opened, so the actual splash park wasn't busy, but everything else was. After walking pretty far with 2 hot kids (one who whined that he wanted in the stroller) we got to the entrance to find out that they didn't accept debit-credit cards- cash only. Soooooo, back to the car I go with 2 hot whiny and ticked off kids. I tried to talk Andrew into just going home and getting in the neighborhood pool but he had his heart set on this place and quoted the rude man saying "you can just run down to the local store and use their ATM". After getting back there, I realized I'd forgotten a swim diaper for Carter so I had to just let him drag around in a 20 pound soaked diaper. It was super fun for the kids and myself, even lots of fun stuff for Carter to play with in the baby section. There was a huge shaded area with benches for parents to sit and be in plain view of their kids, picnic tables for lunch, open grassy area for picnics, and it was all fenced in so there would be no escapees! Now, the pool located next to it is included in the cost but was packed so full I would never let my kids in there. The lifeguards were taking turns on their smoke breaks and I can't forget the 10 year old "supervisor" in the splash area that actually asked me to keep an eye on the kids for her while she played in the pool with friends.... huh?? So, all in all we had lots of fun but decided to head out after about 2 hours when the questionable mommas in shower caps showed up with their kids.... I totally would've gotten a picture of this if my camera hadn't of died. So lessons learned 1. TAKE CASH 2. GET THERE WHEN THEY OPEN AT 12 3. DONT GO AGAIN ON A SATURDAY 4. TAKE A FRIEND TO LAUGH AT OTHER PEOPLE WITH


Carrie (and Kevin!) Finnegan said...

I hate it when I promise the boys stuff and logistical nightmares like that happen. Extreme weather just intensifies the annoyance! What a good mom you were to stick it out! Too bad your camera died!

Anonymous said...


I told Chad about the splash park after you told me about it...he decided to take the kids there 2 Fridays ago. Well, as soon as they got there, the splash park was turned off for "maintenance." He ended up taking our kids in that nasty pool!! Remind me to show you the pics he took...heelarious!