Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Charapatas In Chattanooga Day 1

2 of Chads brothers, their wives and children and cousin Mitch came to stay with us this past week. Not only did they all drive 12 hrs here but they used their vacation time from work to come see US!!!!! We were super excited to have them here but couldn't have imagined just how much fun we were going to have!

The boys in the hot tub
Alex 4, Andrew 4, Zack 10
                                   Emma (18 mos)
 Ashley and her Daddy (Randy)
 Ashley with her mom and dad (Randy and Kerry)
 Emma and Carty
 after the bomb went off in the playroom! Look at Ashley attacking the boys with a stick!
 Chad and Randy
 here comes the parade
 Andrew warning them about the poison ivy in the backyard
 this is what I found when I heard Carter yelling for me to come look!
 time for a camp fire and some smores!

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Looks like you had so much fun! You got some great pics, too!