Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ahoy There

Yesterday was Andrew's 4th birthday party at Mr T's and I have to admit, it was super cute! I was a little nervous when he chose Mr T's Pizza for the location but it turned out great and everyone seemed to have a fun time. Andrew helped me pick out all of the decorations, invitations and guest list! He insisted that he only wanted to boys at his party because "girls don't like to sword fight and be pirates", so I reluctantly agreed and crossed my fingers that we didn't hurt anyones feelings. Being that most of his friends and our neighbors kiddos are girls, I was worried we wouldn't even have anyone to invite, but then he reminded me that he has a class full of boys at MDO! We made goody bags with pirate "accessories" so everyone could dress up when they arrived and seeing all the boys run around looking like pirates was adorable! Andrew seemed to have fun and I'm hoping we made him feel as special as he is to us!

My little red head
goody bags

taking over Mr T's!!!

what's a pirate party without a pirate ship cake?
how cute is this little guy?!?
and this little guy (who was a great sport and kept his bandana on the entire time!)
awww, they all look so grown up

this picture makes me want to cry, it was so cute watching these boys huddle around excited about Legos, transformers and silly bands!

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