Saturday, September 11, 2010

Seacrest Beach

If you aren't my mom, then this is going to be a nauseating amount of pictures for you to look at! I suggest you just skip this post if you don't want to look at an insane amount of cuteness in the form of little Charapata boys at the beach. My friend, Steph, let us stay at her condo in Seacrest Beach, so we took off for the week and had Grandma Bonnie meet us there. I think it was the most fun and relaxing week I've had in years (keep in mind I've been pregnant for the last 3 vacations we've taken). The boys were great on the way there, adjusted to the new place and sleeping arrangements, never really whined or had any tantrums, and loved being babysat by Grandma! Chad and I had lots of much needed time away at the beach and out at night for dinner. We also got to have lots of one on one time doing special things with just Andrew (who acted like a little man and was so pleasant to be around!) I'm not one of those people to brag about how wonderful my husband, kids and life are (because they usually aren't!) but this week was amazing!!

Driving.... silence in the car for mom and dad
Carty spiked another 103 temp before we left and was pretty lethargic the first day. Blessing in disguise??
Motrin kicking in!
Aaaaaaahhhhh, date night
Carty's fist time on the beach

Andrew ticked off by sand in his mouth

never in a million years would I have thought Andrew would let us cover him in sand, has to be on his terms though!

Carty intentionally eating sand!

those little feet :-)

we had to talk about poopy sandwiches to get a laugh like this out of him

we took Andrew on a sunset pirate cruise where the kids were entertained for 2 hrs straight and alcohol was provided for the parents.... Heaven on Earth!

Shooting the canon

sword fighting
mopping the deck

matching tattoos with dad

chicken dance
gotta love his limbo skills

face painting

searching for crabs at sunset with our boys

doesn't Chad look thrilled to be with me by the end of the trip!
Andrew picked out this Batman cape from the toy store


Maggie said...

Great pictures! Beautiful scenery and happy faces. Love it!

Carrie (and Kevin!) Finnegan said...

When did Carter's hair turn strawberry blonde/red? I don't remember it being like that red!! So cute! What a fun vacation!