Thursday, December 9, 2010

Movie Night With the Hoppers!

Chad was on call all weekend so I took the boys to our friend's house for a jammie movie night! We had delicious food and the company was wonderful! The boys wouldn't sit still and watch the movie but they did have fun running around interrupting us while we tried to watch ours!! 

 poor Carter, he just wants to hang with the big kids
 and that's Carter's lower half hanging off the couch and his upper body somewhere under the big boys
 Andrew LOVES his buddy, Pearson

 acing their age!

 Blake trying to calm Carter down during his tantrum
 and Blake covering his ears to protect them from Carter's screaming!
 the boys wrestling

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why didn't you put one up of them trying to kiss each other. HEHE. I love Carter and the Christmas tree, they kind of match!!!