Friday, May 6, 2011

and Baby Makes Three...

I had the privilege of watching my friend Kelli's baby Griffin while she was at work and her husband went to make sure he still had an office after the tornado's. I had just been looking at pictures of him the day before and thinking about how much he'd grown and I wouldn't get to know him as well as I did her other 2 kids, so what a blessing! He was the sweetest baby and my boys LOVED him! Carter was asleep when he got here so I was really worried about what he would do when he woke up. He was so excited to see a baby and wanted to give him his pacis and lovies, whats!?!?! He really couldn't get enough of baby Griffin and wasn't jealous at all, hint hint Chad! Come back anytime sweet baby Griffin!

1 comment:

Carrie (and Kevin!) Finnegan said...

For a second, I thought that was an announcement. hee hee!