Sunday, May 1, 2011

He is Risen!

The boys and I copied my friend Lara and made Resurrection Rolls on Easter Sunday! It's such a fun idea that teaches the story of the resurrection in a tangible way. 

The marshmallow represents Jesus' body, roll it in melted butter (oils to prepare the body) then cinnamon     (spices to prepare the body)

put in a crescent roll (represents the burial clothes) and fold up, pressing edges together

 put them in the oven (represents the tomb)
 the marshmallow disappears (melts) just as Jesus' body was missing from the tomb after he was resurrected!!!

Bonus: they are delicious!

1 comment:

Carrie (and Kevin!) Finnegan said...

Yummy! Those look more tasty than the crescent mummies I made for the after party of Garrett's Egyptian play. I may have to copy this next year!