Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Diaper Duty!

I heard Andrew wake up after nap this morning, but he didn't cry....he was just playing and blowing bubbles so I figured I would leave him in there until he fussed. Well, 30 minutes later I had to get him up to get ready to leave....... and look what I found. He had picked apart his diaper and was sooooo proud of himself!! There was wet (urine soaked) stuffing all over the bed, and he was trying to eat it- Yuck. I guess I know better now than to put him to bed without pants on!! The funnies part of this is that my mom used to tell me how I did this and the babysitter would get so mad about it- Just like his Momma!!!


The Coe Clan said...

That's so funny! Looks like a mouse was in his crib w/him. He looks so much like Chad in the picture of him standing up!

Pamela said...

I feel like we are raising the same child! That is really funny. Drew has those same pajamas!!!!