We had such a great Halloween this year, with our 2 precious boy! Carter didn't really get a say in his costume, so we went for the matchy theme with Yoda and Obi Wan Kanobi. Andrew is now at the age where he "gets it" and couldn't wait to go trick or treating. We went to our friend's house for a party beforehand, where they had pizza and some adult beverages! Carter slept on their guest bed and missed out on all the fun but Andrew met his match when Darth Vader arrived! We all went together to trick or treat and Andrew wasn't too sure at the first house. He said they were a stranger and told me that he thought he wasn't supposed to take poison candy from strangers, haha, I taught him well! After he warmed up to the idea that this was safe, he got picky about his candy selections. He told one lady, after she gave him a sucker "I don't like suckers, can I get something else", at another house he said "my Mommy doesn't let me have hard candy". I have told him that he couldn't eat hard candy and my sweet boy came home with not one piece of hard candy in his bag. He is so his Daddy's boy, I would never have turned down candy, they could have put razor blades in my Hershey bar for all I cared!
Trying to be mommy of the year and do "crafts" with Andrew. I ended up doing this haunted house mostly by myself, as well as the cookies and cupcakes I thought he would enjoy decorating. Guess that's why I need to have a little girl!
My Jedi's!
We did Yoda for Parker's first Halloween and it's one of my all time favs - such a great costume for a baby boy! Those gingerbread houses are a lot more work than they seem aren't they??
They look SO STINKIN CUTE in their costumes, Amber!
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