Sunday, January 3, 2010

Paging Dr. Andrew

I felt bad after I looked at my last few posts and they're all of Carter and no Andrew. It in no way means that I have a favorite, just that Andrew runs from the camera, does a fake smile and despises having his picture taken! I found this Vanderbilt scrub top that we were given as a gift when we moved from Nashville and it finally fits Andrew.... and looks so cute on him!!! He played with his doctor kit all day and did "clinic charts" with his notepad and crayon! I love watching him play, he has such an imagination now and is so smart and funny. 

This is him using his doctor kit tweezers. He thinks they are only used to pull ticks off of certain private areas since his daddy had to do this to him, so weird. 

1 comment:

Pamela said...

Those are the sweetest pictures of Andrew! You are such a good photographer!