Wednesday, February 3, 2010

7 months old!

My little Carty is now 7 months old!! He's changed more this past month than I can believe. He's gotten 2 bottom teeth, started eating a lot more baby food, gotten really close to crawling, perfected sitting up, grabs everything (even food out of Andrew's hand!), and has quite the temper. Chad and I can't help but laugh every night when we're bathing them and Carter drops whatever bath toy he's chewing on, he gets so mad and starts screaming then stops as soon as he gets it back. I have to admit that I sometimes take things from him just so I can watch it, so mean but really funny! He's sleeping through the night now (finally) and taking 2 good naps most days. Last time we were at the doctor for RSV, he was 19 pounds 13 ounces! He is babbling a lot more and says baba and has said dada twice now. He loves his Daddy and laughs so hard when Chad tickles him. If either of us get up or even seem like we're leaving the room, he starts screaming and has also developed stranger anxiety. He lost it when the Pediatrician even looked at him and screamed at some old ladies who talked to him at Mr T's the other night! He is still such a joy and we are so glad he's a part of our family!

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