No new pictures right now- I have been trying to take some, but Andrew won't be still long enough! Andrew just got his 7th tooth and started whole milk. He doesn't seem to be able to tell the difference with the milk, but is ticked off that I took away the bottle and paci. Well, kind of, he only gets a bottle a night time, and he only gets the paci and lovy when sleeping- they stay in the crib. He is a lot fussier without them- and so I am! The magazine with his picture in it came out yesterday, and I am sooooo proud!! We went to eat lunch today at the Purple Daisy- just Andrew and I, and the waitresses were going nuts over how cute he was. They had the magazine at the front of the store so I told them to look on page 23 when we were leaving, and they all had a fit!! I am so proud of my handsome boy!! Oh yeah, something that really made me mad today that I have to vent about. When we got there to eat, I said I would need a highchair. They said they only had 1 highchair, and it was already being used, and I said well I guess I'll just let him sit in my lap- which anyone with a 11 month old can imagine how difficult this would be. They asked the couple using the highchair if they would give it up- since they just had it upside down with an infant carrier in it, and they said no. Really, you are going to be that rude? This is what I was thinking- they could have put the infant carrier on a chair or the table. Anyways I sat right next to them, and I hope they felt bad watching my child yank my plate off the table a million times, throw fits- arching his back wanting out of my lap, and just really making everyone's lunch experience stressful. I kept thinking, this sandwich better be damn good......and it was!!!!!!!!!! Who only has 1 highchair anyways???