Sunday, March 2, 2008

Spoiled Rotten

Mimi came to visit us this weekend and turned my child into a little BRAT ( I know that sounds mean but it's true). She let him have ANYTHING he wanted, even if I got mad and insisted he shouldn't have it (cokes, candy, Reeses pieces, coffee, toys, no nap, getting rocked, etc) He has been a pill today since she's been gone and has screamed for his way on everything and has been in 2 time-outs because of it! We will see what tomorrow brings, time to whip him back into shape. Andrew does love his Mimi and immediately takes to her even if he hasn't seen her in a while. Somehow he let her rock him for 30 minutes this morning (like a baby) and even fell asleep in her arms. He knows she spoils him and he works it bigtime!! Thanks for coming to visit Mimi, we love you and all the help, even if you do give him cavities!

Yes, this is a Starbucks Frapuccino
His new mower (from Mimi)

1 comment:

Dee-Dee said...

What are grandparents for, right?