Mimi came and visited us this week, and I'm ashamed to say that I only got 1 picture of she and Andrew. We had a GREAT visit, and she was a huge help. Andrew just takes to her immediatlely, and they have this special little bond that's so sweet!! She put this car "cuck" together for him while he was napping, and he was so excited to see it when he woke up. My friend Lara actually got it for him, and I have yet to pay her for it. I'm hoping she doesn't come and confiscate it anytime soon!
Seriously - could he be any cuter with those curls and that grin? Just precious. Oh - Courtney is having a jewelry give-away on her blog - leave a comment and you are entered. (FYI)
Seriously - could he be any cuter with those curls and that grin? Just precious. Oh - Courtney is having a jewelry give-away on her blog - leave a comment and you are entered. (FYI)
Don't you just love those little cars? His curls are absolutely beautiful.
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