Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Lots of Kiddos!

My sister and her 2 kids came to visit yesterday and stayed overnight. Anyone who knows me well, knows that I''m crazy about my niece and nephew!! I love being an Aunt and wish I could see them all the time. It's so fun to now watch my 2 kids with hers and it's still hard for me to believe we have 4 kids between the 2 of us! Adrienne hadn't seen Carter since he was born and this was the kids' first time to meet him. They fought over who got to hold him and were both so sweet and gentle with him. I can't tell you how many times McKenzie said "baby Carter's so cute!" Andrew was so excited to have them here and had a blast playing with Merrick. We took paci away on Monday (we cut the tip off) because the Pediatrician made me feel guilty about him still having it. Why did I tell him?....I didn't, Andrew announced it to him! The first day was rough, no nap (no break for me) in 2 days but he finally had a breakthrough tonight. After trying to suck on it for 3 days and not being able to keep it in, he finally said he didn't want it anymore, threw it on the floor and fell asleep without it!!!!


The Hills said...

Hey Amber! It is great to see how you have adjusted so beautifully to being the mother of two boys! What an awesome gift! Carter is absolutely precious. Have to ask where you got your slings? They are so cute & look like a fabulous baby gift. Hope you are getting rest when you can!

Dee-Dee said...

Looks like you guys had fun together! Lots of kiddos! I can't believe how big and tall Merrick is now, and his long hair! I still think of him as that little bitty guy you were buying Wiggles stuff for all the time...