Sunday, July 11, 2010

Carter's 1st D'Day Party... Elephant Style!!!

My baby boy turned one and I can't believe all of the changes that have come with it. When adults are asked if they feel any older on their birthday, the answer is usually "no", but if Carter could talk, I think he would say "YES"! I took his bottle away and started him on whole milk (he's done great with the change), he's gained 2 pounds in a month and looks a few inches taller too! He can do so many things that he wasn't even close to last month, like throwing a ball, getting on his riding toys by himself, giving hugs on command, waving, and understanding so many things. I really can't believe how fast this year has gone by and how much JOY this baby has brought into our life. Grandma Bonnie came in town and helped me get ready for the big party, I couldn't have pulled it all together with out her help. I also have to give LOTS of credit (okay, almost all the credit) to this fantastic-creative woman, Jen, whose ideas I used from her blog. She was even nice enough to mail me leftover elephants she had from her son's 1st B'day!!! Who does that? Mails things for free to a complete stranger?!?! She also has some adorable ideas for a shark themed party! Also, my friend, Kathleen, went out of her way, (with 3 kids) to go to Ikea in Chicago and get me some more of these elephants that I was desperately begging anyone who lived or was visiting near an Ikea to get for me!

Before Carter was even born, we bought him an elephant lovy because Andrew loved (loves) his frog one so much. Carter is now totally addicted to the nasty lovy and won't do anything without it. So, when thinking of ideas for his party, the only thing I could think of that he's actually "into" is his elephant. I went to Shutterfly and made a book with pictures of him and his lovy during the span of his first year of life. I couldn't believe how many there actually were, it was like Waldo, that lovy popped up somewhere in every picture! I placed the book (with some blank pages in it) on the gift-favor table so guests could write b'day wishes in it as a keepsake for Carter.
the infamous Ikea elephants! So cute on top of the favor boxes full of animal crackers for the baby guests!
I also included a lift the flap counting book about elephants for the younger guests

party favors for the adults with gift tags made by the most wonderful Etsy site I've ever found. Her name is Beth and she was super helpful, talented, fast and could make any special order you need! She also did the cupcake toppers, banner, and confetti. The tags say, thank you for coming to my very 1st b'day party Love, Carter (wish I had a close up picture)
custom water bottle labels from another fantastic Etsy site. She also has a blog you can check out. She has the cutest melamine platters and plates that are great gifts (if anyone is looking for things to buy me!)
The banner, so cute in person, this picture doesn't do it justice!

Cutest party hat ever from yet another Etsy site or you can look at her blog. She makes hats, banners, wands, and several other things all from felt! I wish I had that much talent! I loved this hat and couldn't wait to put it on Carter, than I completely forgot. Yep not one picture with this hat one, now it will forever live in a keepsake box!
I bought super cheap fabric at Hobby Lobby to dress up the table a little
cupcake toppers ( I take all the credit for baking and icing all the cupcakes! I had to do something myself, right!?!)

I bought candy molds with some colored chocolates that I melted and made into candy on a stick and covered oreos

Dru, Carter's buddy from across the street
Dru's beautiful Mommy, Amanda
Sweet Ava, Carter's other buddy
my niece McKenzie (always posing!)

our neighbor and buddies, Shanon and Tyler
my sweet boy

Carter went for his cake before I could even buckle him in his high chair. This was his first time to ever eat cake, and he wasn't too sure at first. Apparently he's not a fan of fondant but loves buttercream!!
Another shout out to someone who took the fantastic pictures for me so I could relax and enjoy the party, my friend Stephanie. She takes amazing pictures and will do your kiddos' too if you want to send her a message!!

Daddy was a good sport, actually, he loved the attention!!
before hosing off the boys
this picture says it all about the difference between my two boys. Andrew would NEVER consider sticking any icing on him and would have a fit if anyone else did!

My family, Love them to pieces!!
hosing off the birthday boy!

Carter loves balloons, I can't believe he went all day without popping one
he also loves Capri Sun's
and his Daddy, see the way he looks at him!!
I opened one card, Carter took it and ran off, never saw him again, he walked around with that card the rest of the time I opened his gifts!!


jenn koehler said...

Perfect party!!! You did a great job!! I am so glad that I was able to help out! start planning for next year!
Jenn koehler

Pamela said...

I love it! Such cute ideas that I will be copying!!!!

Dee-Dee said...

I just saw these pictures, today, Amber - sooooo funny - I was checking out this girl's awesome blog, - is that where you got your ideas? If not - check out her site. You will LOVE it. Makes you want to go out and throw a big ol' party!!! I'm actually going to a friend's house Wednesday to make Lane a banner like that one - we are totally etsy stalkers... Wish we could have been at his party. Looks like it was PERFECT! Good job, momma!

Carrie (and Kevin!) Finnegan said...

What a beautiful party!!! I am inspired for Avery's first birthday!

Carrie (and Kevin!) Finnegan said...

Oh Amber - I completely procrastinated on Avery's birthday. Luckily I had your post to refer back to. Ordered some stuff off of etsy to save the day. We're just having family over so it's no biggee - but still...I needed some flair!!