Saturday, July 10, 2010

Grandma Bonnie

Chad's mom came to stay with us for an entire week, so needless to say, I've been a little spoiled and am now facing reality! She was so helpful with the kids, house-work, party preparation, etc, that I really enjoyed my time with her and I know the kids are missing her as much as I am. We had a babysitter come so Chad and I could go out to dinner with her and enjoy some adult time. Andrew was just posing in the picture with us in is "boxers" before we left! When we got home from dinner we noticed a huge web with a spider in it, right by our garage door. We were all fascinated and for some reason kept taking pictures of it, seeing who could get the closest... I'm sure the sitter was wondering how much we had to drink!

1 comment:

Carrie (and Kevin!) Finnegan said...

Ewww! The spider, not the family pics! ha ha.