Sunday, August 19, 2012


A few weekends ago, Chad was on call so I took the boys to the Incline Railway. It's right by our house and my mom has been begging me to take them (let her take them) for years. The idea of being stuck in a tram with my kids if they got scared on the way up just didn't sound fun to me so I've always said no. They both seem old enough now and were pretty fearless at Lake Winnie so I thought, why not? They both loved it and I was the one who was scared going up! We hung out at the top, ate giant chocolate and sprinkle covered marshmallows, oreo fudge, drank slushies and pretended to be one of the tourists! My mom is totally going with us next time!

1 comment:

Carrie (and Kevin!) Finnegan said...

We love the Incline Railway!! We bought a Christmas Ornament in the gift shop and love talking about it every year.