Monday, August 20, 2012

St. Elmo Playground

The boys and I haven't been to the St. Elmo playground in forever... actually, I don't know if I've ever taken Carter there. It was kind of shady one of the last times so I've avoided it, but Andrew has never stopped asking to go. They both had so much fun together and did "cool tricks" the entire time!

As I was editing the pictures and saw this one of Andrew on the top of the slide, my mind totally flashed back to the memory if him in the same spot when he was Carters age.  When I found the picture it almost made me cry.... seriously, who gave this kid permission to grow up so fast :-(

I almost peed my pants when I saw this guy creepin in my picture. I never saw him when we were there but am now reminded why we don't go to this playground anymore.


Casey Cunningham said...

Goodness- Andrew sure has grown up since that picture! Super cute pictures of your boys, Amber! We haven't been to the St. Elmo playground. You think my boys would enjoy it/I wouldn't be stressed about them both running around?

Carrie (and Kevin!) Finnegan said...


OMG. Andrew's legs are sooooo long! Can he reach the pedals to drive your car??? :)

Andrew and Carter's Mom said...
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Andrew and Carter's Mom said...

Casey, it's a super fun playground, I think the boys would love it! Just call me and we'll go together..... safety in numbers :-)