Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Rain Rain Go Away

Sorry I haven't posted in so long. Nothing too exciting has been going on.....we've been stuck inside with the rain and Andrew has a cold. We haven't left the house in a few days and have pretty much been staying in our jammies and sweats all day long. We have watched Barney a million times and played with the same toys over and over. Andrew has lots of new bumps and bruises from terrorizing the house because he is so bored, and I have been wiping a snotty nose every 5 minutes! I am really worried about what we're going to do this winter...we will have to go to indoor playgyms and to friends houses for playdates because I can't be cooped up in this house with a rowdy boy who has just found his independence and is learning to run! We missed Playgym yesterday and will have to skip KinderMusik tomorrow and I don't know how much more I can handle....I look so forward to those days just knowing I'm going to get out of the house. We did have Maggie and Kate over this afternoon for a playdate, which was a lot of fun. I hate to say that my child has become the bully though, pulling Kates hair, trying to push her down, etc. I think I liked it better when he was the one getting beat up! Something funny that he does now is that he wants to carry all of his toys instead of push them. He tries to carry all of his trucks, toolbench, and lawnmower. It's so cute to hear him grunting and working so hard to carry things around!

Getting into the pantry (all day long) and pulling out everything at eye level!
Mowing the rugs
Dusting the floors!


The Coe Clan said...

Now you understand why I had Charlie put a lock on our pantry. Cute pictures!

Dee-Dee said...

Love the pictures. Those are so funny. He reminds of another little boy I know...