Sunday, December 2, 2007


I just have a few things to update everyone on (Brag about)! I was brushing Andrew's teeth tonight and realized he has both top molars in already!! How did this happen without me noticing- I notice everything about my baby? I guess this is why he has been waking up crying at 2 and 3 every morning for so long? I'm going to say it is so I don't feel like I just have a bad sleeper! Also he can point to several body parts, belly, hair, tongue, toes, pee-pee, and my eye. I just taught him eye tonight, and he will point to mine but not really his- he points to his forehead. He says a form of quack when I am telling him what the duck says- it sounds more like (tat), and I taught him what a dinosaur says tonight (he growls with his throat then laughs)!! More and more fun things are happening every day in Andrew's world! He's like a little sponge! We watch the same Barney video every day (Yuck- I know, but he loves it) and tonight when the kids stood on one foot like a flamingo, Andrew put his hand on the ottoman for support and pulled one leg up- I swear it happened, but no one will probably believe me. Anyways, I think my son is very smart, and I'm having so much fun watching him grow!!


Anonymous said...
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Dee-Dee said...

Very smart boy! I am impressed. We call Beau's a "pee-pee" too...