Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Merry Christmas everyone!! This was Andrew's 2nd Christmas, but we didn't make it any less special than the first! We left milk and cookies for Santa and I ate them before bed just like any good mommy should! Andrew was up all night burning up with a fever and congestion. Chad and I tool turns so the other could get some sleep, so we didn't actually open presents until 10am when we were all caught up on our rest. Andrew felt so yucky that he really could care less about the gifts. All he wanted to do was be held (but not messed with) and watch TV:( Hopefully he'll enjoy his toys more when he's feeling better.

His new shopping cart with fake food in it
Not meant to be rode- it flipped over with him in it and Chad caught him
New dump truck from Papa- meant to be rode!
Hokey Pokey Elmo!
Another box to climb on!

He's over it

1 comment:

Dee-Dee said...

I hate that he was sick for him and you guys! Better luck next year. Is his cough/congestion gone yet?