Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Brighten My Day

Chad brought my these beautiful tulips Sunday and it really did brighten my day! I haven't left the house (not even for a minute) since Thursday afternoon, and it's now Tuesday. Andrew has been sick with croup and 103 fever, so we've been trapped in the house. We've been up all night every night and awake for the day by 4:30am. I am exhausted and very much in need of a shower and hair wash. Thank goodness no one has seen me because I've really let myself go! Enough about me, thank you so much for the beautiful flowers honey, even though I didn't act excited, I do love them!


Blog author said...

So I guess Andrew isn't doing much better? I hate that for both of you! Nice to get some flowers, though! Chad must know you're on the verge of losing it! ha! Let me know if you need anything.

Stephanie said...

Your pictures are really good, Amber!! I hope he gets better SOON!

Dee-Dee said...

Hope he is all better now! I love getting flowers!