My little Carter man turned 5 months yesterday and is HUGE! I think he's about 19 pounds now and who knows how long. He loves his milk but refuses to eat any baby cereal or food. I keep telling him how delicious it will be and how nice his tummy will feel if he would just open up and eat! It's hard producing enough breastmilk to satisfy a 19 pounder! He's still the happiest smiley baby I've ever seen and only fusses when he's tired or hungry. He loves taking a bath with Andrew and gets so relaxed in the water.... that is until Andrew splashes him or yells at him for peeing in the bath! He loves riding in the car, especially now that he can look over and watch Andrew making silly faces at him. He rolls over from tummy to back and is almost able do back to tummy. He's sitting up pretty well with some assistance from me or the boppy and loves to be upright so he can look around. He loves playing peek a boo and laughs those precious belly laughs that melt me every time! He has found his feet and loves to hold them and put them in his mouth. His hands pretty much stay in his mouth at all times but still no teeth in there. He picked his paci up off the exersaucer and put it in his mouth the other day and I though my sleep deprivation was making me see things! Such a sweet smart little baby but he's still keeping me up ALL night long. I'm up more now than I was when he was a newborn, about every 2 hours, sometimes every hour. I'm a zombie all day long and live on coffee and leftover toddler food! Other than the sleep thing, he's a perfect and healthy 5 month old so I'm not complaining!
Oh man! Hopefully solid food will catch on and help him sleep through the night. Being a Mommy Zombie is noooooo fun!!!
So cute!!!! And I can resonate the living on toddler food all day (at least the leftovers from Bo's lunch or crust from sandwich...gross). Our babies have to meet...I'm pretty sure that Carter would make Mary Susan a great boyfriend :)
Hope you are doing well!
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