Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Action Shots

Even though we haven't been anywhere recently, our house has been full of action. Don't let this adorable little baby (who's started sucking on-chewing his thumb) fool you.... he's become a little stinker! He's started biting and has left several bruises on my shoulders and legs this week. He slaps my hands when I'm trying to wash his face off and kicks and screams when having his diaper changed or clothes put on. Andrew asked me yesterday if I was trying to teach Carter the word 'No'  because I say it to him all the time!
Chad hasn't been home to help with bedtime this week and this is what it turns into... a free for all because I'm too tired to do anything
Carter can find every outlet with a plug in it in the house then he thinks he needs to unplug it, funny that his big brother got in trouble at school last week for doing the same thing! I did put down the camera and tell him no after I took this pic!
Yes Carter, I know you think it's funny to do this right after I finish cleaning up the kitchen but it's not. Andrew actually gets more upset about this than I do!
I give him a month before he breaks the code on these childproof ties
Right after big brother spends so much time and effort stacking his DVD's... here comes Carter
Damn child protectors
Let us out! Andrew looks like he's about to either shoot a web at me or give me the finger

Attempting to "walk" I'm not in any big hurry for this to happen, I think I'm gonna have to childproof the house way more for this kid. 


Maggie said...

I cannot believe how big he is getting!!

Carrie (and Kevin!) Finnegan said...

Oh girl!! Things are looking BU-SY at your house!!