Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mommy's Helper

Andrew has been learning about "helping hands" at MDO and he's been doing such a great job of applying it at home. Every day he wants to help me unload the dishwasher, put dirty dishes in, fold laundry and cook. I told him yesterday that I had so much stuff to do like make the beds, etc etc... and he said "Mommy, I can make my own bed". I went in his room and he was so proud of the job he had done, he actually did really well for a 3 year old. I am by no means Type A or anything close to it, especially now that I have 2 kids, so it really didn't bother me that it wasn't done the same way that I would've done it. It just made me smile and feel so proud that he actually wants to contribute and help me out! 

1 comment:

Carrie (and Kevin!) Finnegan said...

Keep it up!! Garrett is no longer entertained by housework like Parker is. His class even did a program called "Helping Hands" at their chapel last month and I'm not really seeing any effects.