Saturday, March 31, 2007

Goose Egg

How appropriate that on the day we take Andrew for his first Easter Egg hunt.....he gets his first goose egg! I left Andrew with Chad for 5 minutes this morning, and heard him screaming. Apparently he is so wild now that he kicked the bar off the top of the bouncy seat, it flew up in the air, then came back down and smacked him in the forehead. Of course, something like this would happen on the day we have pictures with the Easter Bunny!!!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Going to the "Doctor"

Andrew and I went to visit Daddy at work today! Chad was so excited to see his little boy, and Andrew was even more excited. He actually holds out his arms to Chad now and will grab his shirt to go to him. Mommy gets no love when daddy's around! Andrew also got lots of attention from all of the chicks in the must have been the plaid pants!!


Andrew hit a huge developmental milestone today- he rolled over from back to tummy for the first time!!! He has been doing tummy to back since about 10 weeks, but this was the one I have been waiting for. Now I don't have to worry about going in his room and flipping him back over!!- I know the little man can do it on his own. He was so proud of himself this morning when he did it for the first time and smiled the biggest smile. Talk about a proud Mommy!! He hasn't quit rolling all day- he is rolling all over the place now! By the way, he doesn't have a diaper on in the pictures because he has a rash all over his diaper area- possible reaction to the diapers?? It isn't a diaper rash- I keep him clean and dry! I'm just doing what the doctor told me to do! "Letting him air out". (Yes, I called the doctor for a diaper rash) I am a mom now- not just a nurse!


This has been a big week for Andrew! I think his fussiness is due to his brain growing so big! He is now able to sit up on his own- with the occasional toppling over.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Little Lama!

I think it is the lama that spits on people...whatever animal it is, my son is acting like it. Andrew has become quite the little stinker this week. I think he is acting out from being at Grandma's for a week! He loves to blow bubbles, but now it has turned into more of a spitting. It goes all over his face and on whatever is in front of him! He has also started pinching me when I am changing his diaper- along with crying. He grabs my arm and gets a death grip with his little fingers- Like a little crab! When I say ouch! that hurts Mommy, he just laughs. He also will not stop rolling over in his crib. I had to go in his room 8 times last night because he wouldn't quit crying, and each time he was on his back. I know it is a game now to get me in the room so I tried today during naps to not go in there, but he screamed 30 minutes one time, so I finally gave in. It is taking me about 15-30 min. to get him down for naps now because he will roll over about 6 or 7 times. HELP! I have created a little spoiled monster. I need some sleep- I feel like a have a newborn again.

But he sure is cute!!!!!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Best Friend Becky!

Andrew and I met "Aunt" Becky on our way out of town going back to Chattanooga. Becky is my best friend from college and was my next door neighbor in the dorms. We had lunch, and Andrew was "pretty good". He likes to grab everything now so he managed to pull Becky's earrings, my hair and nose! I guess he is just exploring his environment, so I am just smiling and naming everything he pulls!

Born to be Wild!!!!

Is this not the cutest picture ever?? McKenzie wasn't satisfied with her little pink and purple bike- it isn't motorized like the Harley!! She does everything Merrick does and doesn't stop going for a second. She even wipes out and keeps going.....and I'm talking bleeding wipe outs! She is a wild woman and loves her big brother. Watch out boys!

Kissing Cousins!

Andrew and I love love love our time with Aunt Adrienne and the kids! We wish we could go over to their house every day..Seriously! McKenzie was so gentle with Andrew this visit and wanted to give him hugs and touch him! She is the sweetest little girl ever and is a wonderful big cousin. Merrick loves Andrew too but is definitely afraid of the drool and getting thrown up on! He thinks Andrew is funny and likes to make his smile! Merrick isn't even in kindergarten yet but was able to read Andrew his bed time story the night before we left. I was so impressed, and it melted me to hear his sweet little voice reading. He also made up a story to tell Andrew about a castle with 4 princesses, and Merrick and Andrew saved all of them!! Let me now brag on my sister for a minute- the most wonderful Aunt. Andrew let her hold him this time- Yeah!!! She fed him his dinner for me and gave him his baths! Any parent knows how something so little can help so much. Not to mention my sister will almost take the skin off of a child with the super duper baths she gives! He won't need another one for a week! I wish Andrew could see all of them more, but I will make sure he always knows how much they love him:) Oh yeah, Andrew even loves his Uncle Charlie- he never fusses with him. I think it is because they watched Westerns together when Andrew was a little baby!

The Saltmarsh's

Chad and I went to visit with our friends and neighbors while in Nashville, the Saltmarsh's! Andrew was a little fussy at first, so Mattie and Owen helped by getting lots of toys that made noise to help entertain Andrew! It worked very well as you can see. We had a good visit, but it always makes me sad to leave. I miss living across the street from them so much :(


My child has never, not even once, slept on his back since he has been born. This poor little baby was so worn out from being on the go all day long, that he didn't care how he slept. We usually stay at home all day while in Chattanooga, except for the occasional walk, so this was all very new to Andrew. We had lots of places and people to visit. It's sad that we aren't in Nashville anymore because there are so many people there that love him so much. He was showered with kisses and hugs! He didn't even wake up when the flash went off!

Mimi's Boy!

Once again, Andrew is in the swing. Mimi took him out there a lot when she was watching him. Yes, I got many much needed breaks since my little boy was an angel and went to anyone who wanted to hold him!! Finally. I even went out with the girls one night, and he let Mimi feed him his cereal, give him a bath, and put him to bed. He fell asleep in her arms everywhere we went, which he would NEVER do with me. Just something about Mimi!

Just a Swingin'

Andrew had to best time ever on Mimi's swing! He could sit in it for hours and not make a put him in some kind of trance! He didn't care if he was lying down, sitting or in someones lap, as long as he was swinging! Chad and I will be going to buy one of our own next weekend- whatever Andrew wants, Andrew gets!!!

Big Trip to Nashville!

Chad had hospital work this week and call all weekend, so Andrew and I took a trip to Nashville! Our first day there we took a walk with Mimi, Aunt Adrienne, Merrick and McKenzie. Aren't they the cutest little cousins on their "vehicles"?? Merrick loves baby Andrew and hates to hear him fuss....he is the best at consoling him!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Good Luck Charm!!

Today was Andrew's first St. Patrick's Day!! We went to Shogun's for dinner with our friends- Paul, Caroline and Amelia. Andrew was wonderful the whole time, and was very content sitting on his daddy's lap! Maybe we'll let him have some green beer next year!

Table for Three

When Chad and I go to dinner we are no longer a table for 2. Chad likes to say we have 2 1/2, but Andrew counts as a whole if you ask me!!!! We went to Alfredo's last night (an Italian place close to our house), and Andrew was an angel. I fed him his cereal and afterwards he just looked at all of the people and "talked" to them! Good thing he is so pleasant to take out, since we can't bear to leave him with a babysitter. We actually enjoy his company and like to take him wherever we go!!!.......This will probably change when he won't sit still and throws food everywhere!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Breakin the Law!

It should be illegal to be this freakin CUTE!!! Chad came home early today so he went to hit golf balls. Andrew and I strolled down to visit him and show off the new hat. We got one with a soccer ball on it so he can wear it to his Cousin Merrick's soccer games and cheer!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Tee Time!

Andrew and I rode in the golf cart while Chad played golf today. We only made it through the first 9 holes because Mr. Grumpy Pants didn't want to sit still. He managed to spit up on me twice (shouldn't have fed him in the bumpy golf cart) and throw all of his toys and paci out onto the ground! As you can see in the pictures....Chad and I still tried to make it a fun day for Andrew!

Thursday, March 8, 2007


Okay, my child did the cutest thing today. I layed him down for his nap....the 3:30 one that he despises, and I heard him talking and fussing a few minutes later. I went in his room and he had rolled over from his belly to his back and was playing with his toes and talking to them. He looked up at me with the biggest smile and started laughing. I couldn't help but to start laughing, but them told him it was naptime and flipped him over. He did the same thing again a few minutes was so darn cute I just let him play in the crib for a little while until he was ready for nap. This kid rules the house!!