Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

My little boy looked so cute in his dinosaur costume- I wish everyone could have seen him! What a difference a year makes Huh!? I really can remember last Halloween like is was yesterday...not to sound corny or anything. This year has gone by so fast and Andrew gets cuter, sweeter and funnier every day! We had a Halloween party at the clubhouse that all of our neighbors went to..... It was actually lot's of fun! Then we took Andrew trick or treating (so I could get some candy!). He was struggling to make it since it was bedtime, but what's Halloween with out trick or treating?

He's Got it Bad!

Andrew is so crazy about Carly!! He kept touching her face, I think this was probably because she had chocolate on her mouth and a brownie in her hand! Just the way he looks at her is hilarious- he can't take his eyes off of her!

They are actually holding hands in this picture!! Unprompted too!

The Obar Drive buddies!! My boy is in the mulch of course
Look at the mess he made of the mulch!

Our little dinosaur is growing up

It was so much fun having a kid on Halloween this year! It's like getting to be a kid again yourself- getting all excited about dressing him up and showing him off to everyone. Andrew looked so adorable, and I can't wait to watch him enjoy this holiday for many more years to come!! I told him tonight that this will be one of his favorite days when he gets bigger- at least it was for me and still is!

Can you believe this is even my child- we look nothing alike
These two on the otherhand...........

Can you guess who they are?

Andrew's friends looked so cute in their costumes! You could barely tell who was who!!

Here's Meg (in the pea in the pod outfit I bought her!)
Meg's big sister Kate as an adorable butterfly
Ella looking sooooo cute as a bunny!- She even had a carrot rattle!!
Catelyn as a prissy surgeon! (In the pink scrubs I bought her for her birthday!)
Carly as the cutest cow I've ever seen!!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Halloween Party at Playgym

Every Monday Andrew and I go to Playgym at the Discovery Museum. It's a structured hour of play, music, art, exercise and socializing for both of us! We look forward to this every week and were especially excited for the Halloween party today. Andrew always goes to the ball pit as soon as we get there and today his friend Kael was dressed as a dinosaur too! They looked so cute playing in there together both dressed up!


During playtime Andrew likes to play on the rollercoaster.

The theme for the day was itsy bitsy spider, and Andrew loved carrying around (and chewing on) the spiders!

Art and Music Time

Here's Andrew coloring his treat bag during art time. As you can see, he also enjoyed eating the markers!

Andrew likes to play with the maracas and bells during music time!

Snack Time

At the end of playgym the kids got to decorate their own little mini cupcake with icing and sprinkles. I had to help Andrew a little with the decorating, but he was the first one to inhale his cupcake! It's so cute seeing him at a little table with other kids!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Step Away From the Hair

Andrew and I had the most pleasant experience today. I took him to my hair stylist to get his first haircut. I was so excited and all prepared with a juice box, sucker and my camera to catch some cute pictures. Little did I know, he was going to act like a crazy child. He freaked out the second she put the drape on him and screamed harder than he does for shots. It took me forever to calm him down after and he just gave me dirty looks the whole way home. I think I be sneaking and trimming his hair while he's watching Barney from now on.

FALL In Chattanooga!

Chad and I took Andrew on a walk and I got some pictures of the fall leaves. Of course, these pictures don't do the mountain justice....believe me it's beautiful! I am so lucky to be surrounded by such beautiful landscape here, I know that sounds corny, but it's true.

My sick baby boy :(

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Rain Rain Go Away

Sorry I haven't posted in so long. Nothing too exciting has been going on.....we've been stuck inside with the rain and Andrew has a cold. We haven't left the house in a few days and have pretty much been staying in our jammies and sweats all day long. We have watched Barney a million times and played with the same toys over and over. Andrew has lots of new bumps and bruises from terrorizing the house because he is so bored, and I have been wiping a snotty nose every 5 minutes! I am really worried about what we're going to do this winter...we will have to go to indoor playgyms and to friends houses for playdates because I can't be cooped up in this house with a rowdy boy who has just found his independence and is learning to run! We missed Playgym yesterday and will have to skip KinderMusik tomorrow and I don't know how much more I can handle....I look so forward to those days just knowing I'm going to get out of the house. We did have Maggie and Kate over this afternoon for a playdate, which was a lot of fun. I hate to say that my child has become the bully though, pulling Kates hair, trying to push her down, etc. I think I liked it better when he was the one getting beat up! Something funny that he does now is that he wants to carry all of his toys instead of push them. He tries to carry all of his trucks, toolbench, and lawnmower. It's so cute to hear him grunting and working so hard to carry things around!

Getting into the pantry (all day long) and pulling out everything at eye level!
Mowing the rugs
Dusting the floors!

Up and DOwn Up and Down!

Andrew LOVES stairs! He wants to go up them then back down over and over again. The problem is that he doesn't know how to get down them on his own yet so I have to be right there or he will just step out into the air. He isn't picky about his stairs either, the little set of three upstairs, the big tall set, outside front porch steps, other peoples steps- Danger calls wherever he is!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007


My sister came in town with Merrick and McKenzie this weekend! Anyone who lives away from their family can understand how great it is to have a familiar face come to visit you! We had a short but fun visit. We went to the Enchanted Corn Maze, where we did a hay ride. I promised Merrick they were going to have bouncers, face painting, pumpkin decoration, corn cob toss, etc. but that was all for Sat. and Sun. after they were already gone :( We had fun just hanging out at my house and letting the kids play. They were all very good and got along surprisingly well! It's so much easier now that Andrew is a little older and can play along with them! Thanks for coming to visit!!