Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Weekend Cookout

We had the Watson's over Friday night for a cookout and smore's. The kids had so much fun playing together and dancing, except of course, Liza and Carter who spent most of the time hanging out in the car watching a DVD!

It's a tough life for Princess Liza


She's off in Avery's world!

Liza hanging out in the car!

Do you see what I see?!?!?!

Keepin' it old skool!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Water Play

So my rookie year of being a mom to a school aged kid was exhausting. Having to get Andrew to school by 8:15 five days a week was a challenge so I've been super excited for a long relaxing summer! I've been trying to do something fun with them every day, so far we've been to the zoo, CDC, Aquarium, playground, tow truck museum and the pool. I'm thinking my excitement for summer has gotten a little out of hand and I may be out of ideas by next week. I just love that we can get ready whenever we want (or not at all) and do whatever we want with our days together. I'm just going to be savoring this time when they still want to hang out with their Mommy all of the time.

Check back with me next month and I might be signing them up for full time summer camp to get them out of my hair, I might be jinxing myself here. 

 Water balloon battle at Mandi's house. These kids went through the balloons in no time, seriously, like 2 minutes of throwing right around the cooler then begging for more. Do they have no concept of the man hours that went into filling up these things?

Still in "I'm a Super Mom Summer Mode" letting them cut shapes out of the watermelon with cookie cutters. Again, I might be throwing some grapes at them when I run out of steam too soon.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Spectator Sport

Last weekend was Andrews last baseball game, so long Pie Slingers! I'm pretty sure Andrew isn't going to miss Saturdays at the ball field, I don't think baseball moves quite fast enough for him. Now w're trying our hand at Karate.... pictures to follow!

 Carter taking down one of Andrews team mates!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Baseball Party

Last weekend was Andrew's end of the season baseball party. It was at the ballfield in N. Chatt and they had yummy food, water slides and lots of friends! Carter was fearless and wanted to go on all of the slides while my cautious Andrew thought they should both steer clear of the rough big kids! Andrew got a trophy which he was so proud of and we darted home before Carter took down another kid so he could get one too!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Field Day

Last week was Field Day at Andrew's school so Carter and I signed up to help out. Carter jumped right in there with the big kids and even showed them a thing or two about exercise! Andrew used this day as an opportunity to improve his ninja moves......


Andrew's teacher (Mrs. Hellmann) gets right in there with the kids, she's kind of amazing !



 See Carter pushing his way in to the front?!?!

Friday, May 11, 2012

My Girl Fix

Me and the boys got to go over and babysit the Watson girls last week! I don't know how many ways I can say it...... I love these girls! Each of them is so different and special in their own unique way. We showed em' how boys play and they taught us a thing or two as well! Zoe was a huge hit and made her way into every picture since the girls wouldn't sit her down. Avery loved mothering her but Liza was determined to pop her head off.

My sweet Liza Blakey

I'm pretty sure Lara doesn't let her girls jump on the beds and they probably never want to jump on their beds..... well the Charapata boys are all about jumping on some furniture

Have you ever seen a cuter Peacock Princess on a scooter?!?!

seeing how Zoe fits on the TV

this is how it began....

 haha suckers, I've got the dog now

 Zoe with her "help me" eyes

Love me some Avery1

oops, did I put this on here? Andrew enjoyed these a little too much if you ask me

Avery on guard, making sure Zoe didn't try to get out of the dress up basket

These sequence of events cracked me up... I did have to intervene at the end. I do admire Carter's strength in never letting go of the pull cord

The girls wanted Andrew to be the "prince" riding in on the horse but told him he needed to ride side saddle..... bahahaha

 Tea party in the bathroom, filling the cups with sink water. Again, not sure if their mother lets them do this, but I'm the fun "aunt-babysitter"

Liza kept looking at herself in the mirror and making these faces..... seriously love this kid!

Oh Avery, please don't injure my new dog

Can't forget how much I love this big 6 year old too!

A moment of peace...

 until.... Carter sees a toy that Liza is going for so he wants to beat her to it

He's got it

a little flaunting

oh she's pissed, watch out Carter

 Aunt Augusta came to have a sleepover with the girls! She brought baby Finney

Carter thinks every baby NEEDS a paci

he loves babies! And this third child was the most tolerant baby I've ever met, she's so precious!