Sunday, November 29, 2009

Santa Baby

Could you not just eat this baby with a spoon?!?!?!

Bad Santa

We took the kids to see Santa this weekend and they did great. Carter wasn't scared at all and smiled the whole time and Andrew was mesmerized and in awe! He couldn't take his eyes off of Santa and kept touching his hand. He told him what he wanted for Christmas (only 2 things, we're getting out pretty cheap this year!) and didn't want to leave. Santa snapped at the high school helper/picture taker while my boys were on his lap so I was not nearly as impressed as Andrew..... what is this world coming to?

Happy Turkey Day

We had a great Thanksgiving at our house this year and my mom came up to help us celebrate. She cooked everything and all we had to do was eat it..... that's my favorite kind of Thanksgiving!! She did a great job and everything was wonderful, thanks mom! Andrew loved the turkey and ate more than anyone else I think. Carter slept through the dinner but had lots of snuggle time with Mimi before and after! Andrew said the prayer for us and that he was thankful for God and his Mommy! I'm thankful for my sweet husband and precious little boys!

Santa's Helper?

Andrew is obsessed with wearing this Santa hat I found in our decorations box. He also takes the term "stocking" literal and insists that he wears it on his leg.... how does he even know about stockings? He found my reindeer/sleigh candle holder and decided to sit on it (like it was a real sleigh!) It broke, of course, and he still can't understand how or why this happened! What happened to the days of decorating the house in peace?!?!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Daddy's Boys

Chad and I had a wonderful weekend with our boys and got in lots of snuggle time! They have both become Daddy's boys and I love it! Andrew thinks his Daddy is the coolest because he wrestles with him, chases, gives him chips and M&Ms and unconditional love! Carter is so content in Chad's arms and just stares at him and gives him the biggest smiles! I have to say, I'm a sucker for great dad's who love their boys! Thanks Chad for an amazing weekend of no TV, lots of shopping, alone time for Mommy and quality time with our kiddos!

Bad Hair Day......

Thank goodness Chad took him for a haircut this past weekend! And I washed his face that night...poor kids was a wreck!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Lazy Sunday

Yesterday was such a crazy day that we decided to take it easy at home today. Chad was on call all weekend and I couldn't take much more excitement with the boys, so I declared it a movie and jammie day! We just bought Andrew UP so he had no problem being glued to the TV all day and Carter just does whatever his big brother does!

Andrew was getting undressed for bath tonight and came to me like this and said he was Captain Jack Sparrow
Chad and Andrew lock arms like this when there's a scary part on a movie. He told Carter that he would keep him safe like Daddy taught him, and yes, my 4 month old is watching TV.

Do these kids really have the same parents!?!?

Sleeping Like a Baby

There's nothing sweeter than a sleeping little, ahem, BIG baby!

Hands Free Mommy

The most critical key to surviving having an infant and a toddler is to have as many places as possible to sit the baby down! We have bouncy seats in every room of the house and Carter's now big enough to break out the exersaucer! It's such a wonderful day when your baby starts to sit up and you can just plop them on the floor with some toys. I'll know now to enjoy that time and savor it before the little stinker starts crawling everywhere.........  oh the wisdom of a second time mom!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

4 Months Old!

I can't believe how fast these past 4 months have gone, and how I feel like Carter has been with us forever. He is still the happiest, smiliest baby I've ever met and makes us all so happy just with his sweet little grins! He loves baths, music, kids, pretty girls, any toy you put in front of him and riding in the car. I could seriously have 10 more if I knew they would all be like him! We went for his 4 month checkup today and here's the news, drumroll please........ 17 pounds 1 ounce (90th%)  26 inches (90th%). To put things into perspective, Andrew was 18 pounds at his one year checkup!!! He is healthy and happy, couldn't ask for much more!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sticks and Stones....

This weekend was so beautiful, so Sunday, Chad and I took the boys to the top of Raccoon Mtn. It's right by our house and for some reason we've never been before. Our intention was to walk on one of the trails but the boys were tired and we couldn't actually find a walking trail! We had just as much fun enjoying the scenery, playing hide and seek, and playing light sabers with sticks!!