Sunday, March 30, 2008

Toot Toot Chugga Chugga.....

Mimi came and visited us this week, and I'm ashamed to say that I only got 1 picture of she and Andrew. We had a GREAT visit, and she was a huge help. Andrew just takes to her immediatlely, and they have this special little bond that's so sweet!! She put this car "cuck" together for him while he was napping, and he was so excited to see it when he woke up. My friend Lara actually got it for him, and I have yet to pay her for it. I'm hoping she doesn't come and confiscate it anytime soon!

Little Miss Sunshine!!

I just love all of the different faces that my little man makes! He can give the dirtiest looks, sweetest grins, and most hilarious crooked-gap teeth smiles!! Every day there seems to be one word that I say that cracks him up (bubble, tater-tot), but it only works for that day. Today Ella had left her hair bow at our house, and whenever I said "bow", Andrew would crack up. Just thought everyone might enjoy seeing all of his different smiles...I know I do!!

SO excited that he stiffens up and sucks in his breath and belly!!

I know this is mean, but it was too hard to resist!

Easter Morning!

I'm a little late on posting these, but it's been pretty busy around here. The Easter bunny came to Andrew's house and brought him lots of good stuff for his basket, books, crayons, stickers, trucks, and bubbles. Andrew had such a good time with his new stuff and is still being entertained by it this week! The Easter Bunny didn't bring any candy this year; he got a notice that Andre's mommy needed to loose a few pounds!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Ladies Man!

These pictures are from last week (when it was warm) at our friend/neighbor Lara's house. We went for a walk through the neighborhod (taking up the whole street) with 3 double strollers and 2 singles. Andrew and Grant were the only boys and had their pick of the ladies. We all played in Lara's driveway afterwards.

Andrew making Carly mad (getting too close to her wagon)! Enlarge to see her face
Andrew getting mad and stomping off!

Carly, Katelyn and their duckies!
Andrew in the chick car!
Tormenting Carly....again!!
Carly and her pouty face, because Andrew touched her car....again!!
Who doesn't love ring around the rosie!?!?

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter!!

Today was our neighborhood easter egg hunt!! We brought Andrew last year, and he just sat there like a little blob, so it was so neat to see him running around with his Easter basket this year!! He wanted to pick up every egg he saw and didn't really understand that he could only have the yellow sticker eggs. We had a great time, and I enjoyed eating all of his candy while he was napping afterwards!

Carly and Avery- Andrew's buds!

Marissa (Ella), me (Andrew), Lara (Avery and Carly)


This is how Mr. Austin decided to get Andrew to hold onto his basket!!

Andrew tearing into a cookie!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


My dad, Andrew's papa, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly Saturday morning. It's been a crazy, sad, stressful, surreal week, so I'm sorry to those of you who I have forgotten to call and to those who I haven't returned calls to. We are hanging in there but would appreciate your prayers.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Here Comes Peter Cottontail......

Chad and I took Andrew to see the Easter Bunny today! We were both nervous about how he would do since he was so afraid of Santa. I told Chad that I didn't care if he was screaming and crying, I want a picture of him and the Easter Bunny ever year until he's 18!! Anyways, Andrew looked adorable and LOVED the Easter Bunny! If you enlarge the picture, you can see Andrew is holding his sweet! I think if he knew a real person (stranger) was under there it might have been a different story. We also played in the germ pit there at the mall (which bothered Chad so much it was funny) and went to McKay's used bookstore for some new videos. Fun/relaxing weekend, back to work tomorrow!

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