Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My Alligator!

Giving Andrew a bath ( changing his diaper and getting him dressed) is probably comparable to wrangling an alligator. He is slippery and fights me like a crazy man. He tries to climb in the tub before I am ready for him or have his clothes off, he won't sit down in the tub, then tries to climb out the whole time and screams. Once I do get him out, he of course screams and wants back in. I also have to bring 2 washcloths with me to the tub because he steals mine and wants to suck all the water out of it. The teething is out of control- this kid puts everything in his mouth as you can see in the pictures.

1 comment:

Pamela said...

He is so cute! Drew did the exact same thing. Those boys are so darn busy!