Thursday, April 24, 2008

Photographer.....I Wish!!

I had a little photo session with my boy today right by our house. There's a big pile of rocks that he loves to play on, so I decided to get him all dressed up and take some pictures. He is just so darn cute that he can't take a bad picture!!

He picked this little flower and it looked to sweet in his tiny little hands......then he ate it!!!!


Blog author said...

Hey, good pics!! Also, thank you so much for putting my package at the back door! I am too excited about her shoes and sun hat! ha!

Anonymous said...

You take such beautiful pictures of Andrew-of course having such a beautiful subject makes it easier, I am sure!

Stephanie said...

He IS so darn cute you couldn't take a bad picture!

Anonymous said...

I love the first and last photos of your son! Great job! I'd have to agree with Steph... he's really cute! Love the hair! :)