Tuesday, March 16, 2010

If You're Happy and You Know It......

So proud of my baby Carty, he learned to clap this week!!! We say Yahhhh and clap a lot around here, even for the littlest things (Andrew thrives on accolades!) so I guess he's picked it up from us. He does it right after we do or if I say 'clap Carty' he tries to say Yah and starts clapping! Andrew is convinced that he taught him and these pictures might just be proof that he's right!


Carrie (and Kevin!) Finnegan said...

I love how Andrew is always in superhero garb!! Does he wear costumes to preschool? There used to be a kid at Garrett's school that only wore a Spiderman costume with cowboy boots...almost every day!!

Andrew and Carter's Mom said...

Oh Carrie, you have no idea, there are seriously about 5 costume changes a day. Our friends can't believe it when they come over to play, he even dresses up in other kids costumes and jammies when at their house! Chad says he's worried he'll be like Adam Lambert when he grows up!

Carrie (and Kevin!) Finnegan said...

LOL!!! I'm sure he'll be fine - unless he starts wearing guyliner! Then you might have little Lambert on your hands!