Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Carter's 9 Months

Cart turned 9 months last week and had a great check up. He was 20 pounds even- 50% (down 2 pounds from GI bug and double ear infection) and 30 inches-95%. He is crawling on hands and knees all over the place but prefers to cruise around holding onto furniture. He only eats table food now and can consume way more than Andrew at each meal (which isn't really saying a lot). He still only says dada but sure does love his Mommy! He is into everything and has at least 3 bruises on his forehead every day. Can't believe how fast time is going by with him, time for another!! Just kidding Chad!

1 comment:

Carrie (and Kevin!) Finnegan said...

Ha Ha! Baby talk always strikes fear into the heart of the hubby. Have another!! I love my two boys, but having a girl is awesome. You need one!