Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Uncle Brad!!

Chad's brother AKA Uncle Brad came to visit us last weekend. He'd never been to Chattanooga before, hadn't seen Andrew since he was 3 months old and had never met Carter......... so we were super excited to have him here!! He came bearing gifts, which quickly one over a certain 3 year old Spider-Man lover! Try getting a 3 year old to sleep who just got a real web slinger and glow sticks, fun stuff! But that's what Aunts and Uncles are for right?!?! He had books, toys and clothes for Carter too, that Andrew was excited to open for him, until he realized it was all baby stuff in there! Needless to say, Uncle Brad was a huge hit right from the start and we had a GREAT visit with him! I only wish Aunt Jenny and all the cousins could've come too ( I'm sure she was really the one responsible for the presents!!!)

We had a sitter come for the boys so we could go out for some adult time

Coolidge Park