Thursday, July 22, 2010

Vacation "Gobble" School

Andrew went to VBS for the first time this past week, and he loved it!! He's still asking me today when he can go back because he misses it so much. Our awesome babysitter goes to church there and offered to volunteer in whichever class he would be in so he would feel comfortable. As if this wasn't enough, she actually went out of her way to come pick him up every morning and bring him back home. The fact that we would need to leave during Cart's morning nap made this even more of a help. I don't think she'll actually understand how much she helped me out until she has her own kids! She was able to take some pictures on the last day so I could see where my little guy had been going all week (while I was at home enjoying 5 cups of coffee in the peace and quiet!)


Carrie (and Kevin!) Finnegan said...

That is so awesome! Five cups of coffee and quiet sounds like heaven. Plus it's VBS - so your shaping your child's spiritual future! Bonus!

Andrew and Carter's Mom said...

and it's free...... another bonus!!