Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fall Party

 Andrew's K4 class had their Fall Party on Monday...... beginning at 9am outside in the freezing cold! I never heard one kid complain about the cold, while all of us moms were dying for more coffee and gloves! The kids had a blast on the playground, doing crafts, decoration cookies, playing games, and eating pizza. All siblings and parents were welcome so Carter was thrilled to be hanging out with the big boys. We call him the class mascot since he's in there all the time and fits right in with the big kids. He was chasing the boys around and roaring at them while pulling on their clothes, hilarious!

Andrew AKA Sam Flynn from Tron Legacy                        
                                                                                                     Mrs. Hellmann and Mary Margaret

sweet Sarah as R2D2                                          Drew as a pissed off Batman

notice Carter antagonizing the big boys!

 this kid is 3 years older than Carter

 sack races! Carter hung in there til the bitter end!

 face painting by my sweet and talented friend, Angela

Andrew kept holding onto Carter like this, he gets so protective when they're around other kids
 sweet Liza Blakey!
 this kid cracks himself up, the girls weren't so amused

 Andrew's class, I love these sweet kids!!

 Have you ever seen such a cute little monster!?!

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