Saturday, December 31, 2011

Chef's in the making

So, we didn't really have many traditions when it came to Christmas and we were actually pretty unconventional in the way we celebrated growing up. Not that his was a bad thing or made it any less special but I just really want my boys to grow up with traditions and have certain special memories to share with their own kids own day! All that said, we decided to bake cookies on Christmas Eve and let the boys do the decorating. Two broken eggs, 3 icings, 2 food colorings and numerous sprinkles later..... the boys had their masterpieces! They were so proud of their work and couldn't wait to eat them-share them with Santa!


I also thought it would be fun to have a new tradition of making homemade pizza's on Christmas Eve. It's the one thing both of my boys love to eat and it's super easy to make so they loved it! Carter was way more into it since Andrew steers clear of things that may get him messy. In his words "that's just the way God made me"!

1 comment:

Carrie (and Kevin!) Finnegan said...

The fact that Andrew owns up to his Type A personality is hilarious! We made cookies on Christmas Eve, but since we'd made 4 dozen for sharing the weekend before, the boys were more interested in The Christmas Story than helping me! I didn't mind though. The frozen cookies and bucket of icing from GFS is a huge time saver!!!